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Oil Free Air compressors


With an Atlas Copco dental compressor, you can tend to your patients in a fully hygienic and aseptic enviament. While othere may claim o free air Uuough filtration, Atlas Copco compressors are (certified to generate absolutely no traces of oil Vaper Decause condensation can rest in bacterial wth our compressor fathers and devers provide entilerinital leur of air quality assurance A auton all compressor parts are cated

Optimal Performance

Atlas Copco dental compressors are designed and built to work for you. Their straightforward control i panel ensures you don't require an engineering degree to operate the machine Complct in size, they fit in smaller spaces And with a 100% load cycle and none levels between 53 and 65 (A), their continuous, uninterrupted operation is non intrusive

Flexible installation

The Atlas Copco LFx’s small and compact design offer maximum installation flexibility. The LFx is both suitable for stand-alone use and integration in your OEM product

High reliability

Thanks to a unique, robust design and the optimal combination of quality materials, LFx compressors offer improved performance and extended product lifetime

Compact 100% oil-free air

Thanks to a unique, robust design and the optimal combination of quality materials, LFx compressors offer improved performance and extended product lifetime

Easy maintenance

All the LFx’s components and service points are easily accessible. No oil changes needed

Quiet operation

The LFx comes standard with a silencing hood. Its noise levels are as low as 62 dB(A), so you can install it close to the point of use